Do you know your social customer? Business clinics at ImpactHUB

Do you know your social customer? Business clinics at ImpactHUB

Do you know your social customer? Business clinics at Impact HUB Barcelona.

Last November 18th, we had a Business Clinics Workshop to realize if we really know our social customers:

  • Are your customers in your personal social networks?
  • Can you make an «Empathy Map» of your customer?
  • Are you have to describe the equation of «Value X Effort» of your customers?

We made several practical exercices, very visual, with a coahing approach for each entrepreneurial project.

The attendants to this workshop were from the Impact HUB Barcelona community: Eugenia, Simon, Nina and Josep.

Do you want to be our next entrepreneur students? Follow @albertcampi and @hubbcn.

¡Gracias por compartir en tus redes sociales!  Y sigue el blog  😉